Today I am going to tell you the complete and proper way to inspect your case judicial file in the district court whether it is pending or disposed of / dismissed/rejected /dismissed in default .
If your case is pending before any district court or you want to inspect your case file it may be always available on the table of the Hon’ble judge on each and every hearing and after the hearing the file shifted under the custody of the ahlmad.
I know that one question arises here in your mind that who is ahlmad ?and how to meet to the ahlmad ? for inspection of the judicial file, don’t worry I already told you above that I will tell you the complete procedure of the inspection.
Who is ahlmad?
Ans. Ahlmad is the person who take cares the pending cases files and bind the daily orders of the Hon’ble Court and maintain the judicial file properly. After the hearing of the matter the file shifted under the custody of the ahlmad and ahlmad is like the guardian of the file, that the responsibility of caring the file is under the hand of ahlmad (ahlmad is an court staff and also an government servant).
In some district court the room of the ahlmad is separated from the case listed court and in some court the place of the ahlmad is opposite from the main court room. We can also called the ahlmad room as a back office of the court.
Now here the procedure of the inspection your pending case file please take your case particulars like case number, parties name, place, case nature, court name/designation of judge, court number, next date of hearing , last date of hearing.
- Take a inspection application form or you can write an application for inspection the judicial file. (you can also find the format in our website)
- Fill all the above given particulars in the application correctly.
- Placed the appropriate court fee on the inspection application.
- Do your signature on the inspection application and write the date and place.
- File the inspection application before the court.
- Thereafter give your submission before court and give the reason for inspecting your case file.
- After listening your submission the Hon’ble court will allow the inspection application.
- After getting the allowed application, on the same day you have to give it to the ahlmad for getting your file on the table of the ahlmad for inspection.(allowed application should be eligible for the same day and not valid for the next day )
- After inspection you can submit the file back to the ahlmad and on the inspection application you have to properly mention that you inspected the judicial file.
Now here the procedure for the inspection of the disposed of / dismissed/rejected /dismissed in default cases.
First of all for applying the inspection application in the closed case i.e. Dismissed case or any hereinabove you have to know the goshwara number of your closed case file. The goshwara number shall be given by the ahlmad. You have to ask the goshwara number before applying the inspection application to the ahlmad.
After knowing the goshwara number draft the application for inspection by mentioning all the particulars including goshwara number and disposed of date.
The application should be in the name of incharge of record room. In the closed case the inspection application should be filed in the record room just because after disposing the case the file sent to the record room after getting entry by the ahlmad and on the same time the gohwara number generated by the ahlmad for future reference/purpose.
File the application in the record room alongwith the appropriate court fee.
- The most important thing is that to carry pencil while going for the inspection, just because pen is not allowed during inspection, that the inspection file is an judicial file you cannot write anything on that judicial file.
- Carry your own sheet for writing anything from the file.
- The inspection should only be applied by the parties of the case and by the advocate who was duly authorized by the client and in the disposed of case anyone can inspect the judicial file.
- You are not allowed to get or take back any paper from the judicial file.
You are not allowed to carry camera during the inspection and also you cannot capture the pictures of the judicial file.
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